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John Adams, American politician

John Adams

The second president of the USA.

Connection: Debatable: Appears to be a family connection with West Wales although there's nothing more than anecdotal evidence. He was born 30th October 1735 at the Adams homestead in 'Braintree', now called 'Quincy' in Massachusetts.

comment by:LockerGuy
He may have his roots in Somerset? - Ed

comment by:Ambrwolf
John Adams was the great grandson of Henry Adams, who was married to Edith Squire in Barton St. David, near Wells (just south of Wales). According to Andrew Rothovius in 'The Adams Family' and the 'Grail Tradition', 'The Untold Story of the Dragon Persecution' and 'The Dragon Tradition in the New World', the Adams family practised Welsh paganism, similar to Wicca. Although they officially listed themselves as 'Unitarian'.

comment by:RogEvs
There is no Welsh connection.. Henry Adams was the grandfather of John Adams but was born in Barton St. David in Somerset. His wife was also born in Somerset. Several generations of the family can be traced back , all being born in Somerset. (Source: the much respected New England historic genealogical society, Boston, MA. ).

comment by:Martin(Maxi)
I understand that my father in law, surname David, is a descendant of John Adams the second president of the United States. His roots are from the Carmarthen Pembrokeshire border. His cousin has done the family tree and has found this Adams line on the female side. When I find out more will update.

comment by:AncestralAnnie
This has been niggling me for years. There was an Adams-Lewis family in West Carmarthenshire who kept the 'Adams' in their surname because they believed they had a connection with the US Adams. The family has died out now and local enquiries have revealed nothing. As other correspondents have indicated, the official history states that the Adams originally came from Somerset. I would be very interested in seeing maxi's family tree.